Panel sizing
I put my Properties and Library Panel tabs on the right side of the work area (I am using the advanced workspace screen option in Preferences so I can put panels where I want them). Most programs allow moving the panel bar to the left and right to enlarge or reduce the width as needed. I’m not seeing that ability.
My Library headings are not sufficiently large to read:
Name | Size(KB )|Use C…|St…|Date
is all that shows, it is difficult to remember what they mean.
My main work area doesn’t show the full 1024 x 768 screen and it’s not like Photoshop where I can increase or decrease the percentage of the size by moving the slider in the lower left corner. I’m finding this difficult. Especially since I’m only working on responsive projects, so if I change the screen size by sliding left above the work area to tell it to preview what the project looks like with a smaller screen size then things move around.
I have Slide Notes, Timeline and Comments panels below the work area, and again there is no way that I have found to make the area less tall or taller.
I’ve moved Branching and Advanced Interaction to Monitor 2. Is the best suggestion to move all of the other panes to Monitor 2? Each of my monitor resolutions is 1920 x 1080, so it should be large enough.
Wondering what you all are doing? Any suggestions?
I also use the expert UI. But since I have grown up in a DOS environment, I learned to avoid very long names for anything, and make the first 8 characters meaningful.
Not an answer to your question, just a tip.
When a panel is floating you mostly can increase its size. In the Library you can increase the size of columns (Excel-way).
As for the stage: I use shortcut keys all the time CTRL-O is fit in space (does exist also in other Adobe apps), CTRL-1 is 100% etc…. You can find them also on top.
I have no dual monitor setup, but in the past it was recommended to restore the workspace back to one monitor if you plan to use the laptop in another situation, before closing Captivate.
Wow! Just found the best fit and % for the work area. Thanks for the DOS tip – I’m mindful of names.
Not clear about increasing the size of columns Excel-way in Library – in order to read one of the columns I had to drag the separator to make one column really small in order to see the other one so I could read it.
FYI, 2 monitors is supposed to increase your productivity by 40%. I know it really does for me. I actually have 3 monitors but only use the 3rd if I really have to – like when I’m recording my screen I’ll put the recording tool on the third screen, and use two screens to switch between content while recording. Seems like best productivity with Captivate requires 2 screens, maybe 3 so I can open Photoshop/Illustrator or files on the third screen, using the first screen for work area and 2nd for panels. Still trying to figure out optimum setup for my specific course creation type. Thanks for your advice.
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