June 13, 2019
How to see Captivate’s SCORM debug logs in an LMS
June 13, 2019
How to see Captivate’s SCORM debug logs in an LMS
I’m a graphic designer, video editor, motion graphics creator, and an e-learning developer. I love to solve graphic design problems and use my 25+ years of design experience to help others in their own design journey. My business philosophy is to give people more than what they paid for.
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Even if you’ve setup an Adobe Captivate file to work correctly with a Learning Management System (LMS), not every LMS has great tools for troubleshooting tracking and reporting problems. If your LMS doesn’t have the ability to see SCORM debug logs, the following video will show you how to modify one of Captivate’s published files so you can see the debug logs.

2019-10-08 19:32:39
2019-10-08 19:32:39

hello michael I have a problem with the report of the notes in cornestone, I set it up with two attempts but if in the first attempt it gets 40 and the second attempt 20 reports me the last qualification and I don’t know how to solve this.

's comment
2019-10-14 11:13:02
2019-10-14 11:13:02
's comment

CSOD is, unfortunately, only going to record the last thing when it comes to multiple attempts. Once someone has a second attempt for any quiz object then CSOD will overwrite the first thing it recorded for that object.

2019-06-14 20:40:19
2019-06-14 20:40:19


2019-06-14 08:03:15
2019-06-14 08:03:15

Very useful, Michael! Thanks you so much.

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