June 17, 2019
User Variable value across sessions
June 17, 2019
User Variable value across sessions
Adobe Captivate Specialist
Newbie 22 posts
Followers: 2 people

When saving the answer to a survey, what is the best way to save and use the user variable and value across courses, lessons, and sessions for a specific user?  I am not using an LMS (the course is on the Thinkific platform which is not SCORM compliant), I have access to JavaScript, and a SQL database hosted on another hosting platform’s server.  Although I see previous posts, what is currently the best method when using HTML5 and Javascript, not SWF or ActiveScript?  I was reading there might already be something someone created to do this?

2019-06-17 11:27:44
2019-06-17 11:27:44

You can use LocalStorage. That is possible if the learner will access the courses from the same system.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2019-06-17 18:53:10
2019-06-17 18:53:10
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Great point!  I hadn’t thought about it, I believe a user will be accessing the storage from multiple devices – phone, laptop, tablet, and desktop.  Also, some users will have to wait for others to respond to them, up to two months, before they can continue in the course, so persistence may be a problem.  Also, the data may be long – a paragraph.  And there will be a lot of variables, probably more than local storage will allow.  Now that I’ve thought about it, SQL database is probably my only option… although I may still use local storage for some things for quick retrieval.

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