Captivate 2019 publishing inserted video
When creating a project where a video is inserted and that is one slide in the project, how do you set up the settings when you publish to make sure the end user watches the whole video? So when they are viewing it in an LMS if they stop the video it doesn’t show that the video is completed until the whole video has been viewed. I appreciate any input or suggestions.
How did you insert the video: as event video or as synchronized video? You cannot force viewing for event video because it plays independently of Captivate. For synchronized video, extend the side duration for a short time, and add a Next button with a timeline starting almost at the end of the video. Make sure not to use a default playbar or hide it on that slide.
You’re welcome. Do not bother about the inserted extra layers in the TImeline panel (Bookmark, Overlay. You can convert a slide video to an interactive video, and that is why those layers appear. It is a great way to enhance the learning outcome of videos.
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