July 8, 2019
mLearning Designs for Use in University Orientation
July 8, 2019
mLearning Designs for Use in University Orientation
Newbie 3 posts
Followers: 0 people

I am curious. Has anyone designed an mLearning VR project focused on orienting new college freshmen? Possibly using hotspots for building locations, guides for course scheduling, etc?  Just brainstorming ideas and would love to see if this has been done before and how it was set up.  Thanks in advance!

1 Comment
2019-07-09 07:42:16
2019-07-09 07:42:16

My usual question: to be viewed with goggles or other devices? From different projects (health sector) I learned that text like scheduled courses, is not very well suited to be viewed from a hotspot. If you don’t need goggles, I would prefer to create a normal project, with 360 image and/or video slides, but have textual information on normal slides. Even a map of the location on a normal slide, and branch from there to several 360 slides to show the real look of different rooms, with hotspots.

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