November 16, 2019
Add image to a Failure Caption
November 16, 2019
Add image to a Failure Caption
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

I have a standard click box with a Failure Caption.  I need a circle to appear around the area the user needs to click, along with the standard failure caption.  How do I do that?

2019-11-29 09:02:35
2019-11-29 09:02:35

Maybe you could have a look at this related blog post, not about SFH messages for an interactive object, but for a quiz slide:

2019-11-18 08:53:40
2019-11-18 08:53:40

Use a shape, not a caption for the feedback messages. That is normally the default setting in Preferences, except for Software sims. A shape can be filled with an image and with text, but the problem will be the exact location of the feedback shape. That will be trial and error.

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