I need to send an email from inside captivate 2019 with my user variables in the email. This is what i tried but does not seem to work (I attached the code to a button):
var player = GetPlayer();
var course=”Storyline test course”
var email=player.GetVar(“my_email@abc.com”);
var subject=”Assessment Complete”;
var body_start=”I’ve just completed my assessment!”;
var mailto_link=’mailto:’+email+’?subject=’+subject+’&body=’+body_start;
I really need help as my client needs this functionality thanks in advance….
There is a solid reason why the team took out the e-mail functionality. Success depends on too many parameters which you cannot control at all. Moreover I believe you posted in the wrong forum, because I see that you refer to StoryLine, not to Captivate in the JS.
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