I am building a survey in Captivate and would like to know if it is possible to include user input within a multiple choice question. For example, the multiple choice question would be similar to this, and the user would be able to fill in their own response under “other”:
How did you hear about us?
1. Friend
2. Advertisement
3. Other: ______
Thanks so much!
You didn’t answer my comment yet. Maybe was not clear enough. It is possible to create such a question from standard objects, variables and advanced/shared actions. A very important question in that case is: ‘do you need to report to a LMS’?
I have a similar desire – I want to incorporate my standard classroom training (L1) survey into my Adobe CBT module. I would like to use a combination of the Likert scale and Short Answer fields from the Quiz section.
The difficulty is getting the data from the question slides into one rollup so the user can PRINT > SAVE AS = PDF, and email it to the training team.
We are not using an LMS.
I don’t see much traffic on here about this happening.
Thank you
Yes, it is rather frustrating. I try to answer most questions but the original users asking the question rarely come back to check the answers.
Print is not so easy, and the choice to print to a pdf is mostly done by the learner. With custom questions all data can be stored in user variables and it is easy to assemble them on one or a couple of slides. Without a LMS the problem is to transfer the results.
AFAIK this is not possible. There are many other ways to accept user input: short answer question, Fill-in-the-Blank question or using Scrolling Text Interaction on a custom Survey slide.