February 29, 2020
Publish for devices not working.
February 29, 2020
Publish for devices not working.
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people


i’m trying to publish my project for devices, but after going through the process its says no app has been built.

2020-03-08 10:14:35
2020-03-08 10:14:35

Was your problem solved? Please give some feedback.

2020-03-03 08:24:02
2020-03-03 08:24:02

I suspect you are talking about a responsive project built with Fluid Boxes? With the option ‘Publish for devices’ you do not create an app, but you’ll have a published folder which needs to be uploaded to a webserver. If you want to create an app (for Android or iOS) you need to use the option ‘Publish for Devices(app)’. It would use Phonegap and you need the required certificates from the stores.

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