There are 13 listed style names in the Properties Pane (ex Default Smart Shape Style).
I need to know what these are used with, how they are used and what object i can use them with.
BACKSTORY: I am about to start teaching Captivate 2019 and the person who wrote the lesson plans did not say anything about this, but just to use one of the Style names when we select a Text Caption. I will need more info as stated above. I hope someone can help me fairly quickly to better understand these 13 options.
Sorry to disappoint you but Design and eLearning design is NOT an exact science. Just FYI I am a civil engineer, have been working with exact sciences. My blog is probably the only place where you’ll find information about Themes and Object styles. Exact definitions are simply impossible. Trying for a last time for some of your lists:
- Default Title Shape Style: when you insert a Title placeholder on a master slide or slide, it will automatically take on that style. However you can always apply another style as designer.
- Default Partial Correct Shape Style: is a style from the Quizzing category. It is automatically applied to that particular feedback message on the quizzing master slide MCQ,…. because only MCQ allows partial scoring.
- Default Success Shape Style: depends from which category? If it is from the Quizzing Category, will be applied to that feedback message on the quizzing (master) slides. If the developer of that theme was consequent, because there are bugs in many themes.
Shapes have the added difficulty that they always can also be used as interactive object, whatever their style. Consequence is that each of those default (and other) styles need to have three InBuilt states: Normal, Rollover and Down.
Consequent use of object styles (not override them ever) has the advantage that you can quickly edit a style and have it applied immediately to all objects using that style. Example: you want another Font for the text, another color or gradient (or image) for the Fill.
All what I told is in the blogs I referred to. Maybe you could ask Adobe Care to give you a definition.
My view on training is based on three stumbling blocks, I already mentioned two in my first answer:
Many trainers complain when I post this link. But my focus is on helping also newbies, and know very well what they will be struggling with in the start of their ‘life with Captivate’.
Here is the link:
Most trainers do not even realize the importance of Themes (and Timeline). Books and manuals often skip those topics as well, makes me very sad. The Object styles are part of the Theme. Each project is based on a theme. What the purpose of a specific object style depends on the developer. Some are reserved for very typical objects, which is the case for the shapes in the Quizzing category.
Have some blogs about Themes and Object styles. Will post a link to a reference document which has all the links to those posts. I use a separate comment because of moderation time which can take days in case of links in a comment.
Thank you Lieve so much for your reply, but i only need the EXACT definition of how
- Default Smart shape style
- Default title Smart shape style
- Default subtitle Smart shape style
- Default Smart shape style
- Default Smart shape style
- Default Success shape style
- Default Hint shape style
- Default Partial Correct shape style
- and any others that i may have not listed above.
I need to know when to use them, how they are each used and why to use them. Nothing more nothing less. I am having a really frustrating time finding and getting this exact information anywhere.
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