Hi all! I have a Captivate 2019, latest version issue. I have a software assessment project with two “tracks” with assessment slides that I’ve grouped together to make 2 different groups. I’ve created the branching by using 2 buttons that jump to the appropriate “branch” in the project. Buttons and Groups are named exactly the same. I need the quizzing points to be calculated by branch – so that 80% will be passing on the individual branches, and the user will get credit for completing his/her ‘branch’. When I check the “Branch Aware” checkbox on the quiz settings, and try to preview the project in HTML the project stalls and doesn’t run properly with HUGE delays between slides and huge delays actually launching. I’m getting an error message that a “script is causing the long delay…” or something to that effect, with a command to stop the script. I have no scripts or advanced actions in this project. When I preview the project within Captivate (Preview –> Project) it runs perfectly. What am I doing wrong?
You have to read this first
I think you have already posted questions about this. It looks like you are confusing the not so useful Branching panel with the Branch aware setting. Did you read this post:
Yes, I read the post. I thought there might be some mistake in the branching panel, causing the “branch aware” not to work properly. My “branching” works perfectly. However, due to having 2 different quizzes (1 for the first branch and a different quiz for the second branch), I need branch aware to work to calculate the score correctly. As soon as I check that box on the quiz settings, it fails to preview in HTML (F11). This is a non-responsive project. I am using the latest version of Captivate 2019
I know that the branching panel can slow down or even cause problems on less performant systems. However since I never use that panel (find it pretty useless) since quite a while, cannot confirm that this happens.
Did you try a small project where you check the option Branch aware first, if this happens? Still have some intuition that the origin of the problems should be elsewhere. The link I gave you was for HTML5 oiutput.
Yes. it works with a small, non-simulation quiz perfectly. I’m wondering if my simulation quiz is too complex. It has a series of 10 questions per branch, (20 total or so in the project), that have click boxes or text entry boxes per slide to assess the user’s ability to use the software. Each click box (or text entry box) scores 1 point. The user can get up to 60 points per branch, but is only required to complete the one branch. If branch aware doesn’t work, the maximum score a user can get is 60/120, which calculates to 50%. I have implemented a workaround, to make passing score 80% of 60 or 48 points, and I’ve turned off the automatic calculations on the Results slide, and will just present a “pass” or “fail” image. My last issue is, that when the person fails, and clicks the “retake” button, it brings them back to the wrong branch. Not sure how I can handle that.
Thank you for the quick responses… I do not think the file is corrupted. It runs and previews fine without “branch aware” checkbox checked on quiz settings. And since that branch aware is not working, the “retake” button really doesn’t know where to send the user back to if they fail, so it returns to the first slide of the first branch. There’s no way to put an action on the retake button to return to the correct branch. Thanks again for your thoughts…
Do you talk about a responsive or a non-responsive project? If it is a non-responsive project, you have to know that the only ‘correct’ preview method is F11, Preview HTML in Browser. Please, tell also which exact version number you are using. Will post a link to my Branch Aware post in a separate comment.
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