March 12, 2020
Custom Incorrect Quiz Feedback
March 12, 2020
Custom Incorrect Quiz Feedback
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hi Folks, I can see how to add custom feedback for a correct answer (although it is hard to access). I also see the advanced answer feedback option. I am having trouble finding the regular incorrect feeback box to edit. I cannot access it from the Properties menu. Where is it? How is it accessed?


2020-03-28 09:44:21
2020-03-28 09:44:21

Didn’t yet have any answer. Could you solve this problem, and if yes, try to explain how? That would lead to helping other users.

2020-03-16 08:54:31
2020-03-16 08:54:31

Have a look at this blog, where I listed almost all the articles I published about Quizzes:

2020-03-16 08:52:57
2020-03-16 08:52:57

Do you want to have a different feedback on each quiz slide, or just edit the default feedback message? Please, also tell exactly which version you are using, the full version number as found under Help, About Captivate.

Editing default messages is under Preferences, Quiz, Default labels. Editing individual messages: you’ll have to find it on the quiz slide, which means rearranging or moving messages since they are stacked in responsive and non-responsive project. You can even have multiple failure messages, if you have multiple attempts.

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