March 10, 2020
Removing Flash Content From Old Project, HTML5 Version Wont Load Now
March 10, 2020
Removing Flash Content From Old Project, HTML5 Version Wont Load Now
Manager of Training
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

I am using Captivate 9 to redo a project that was originally finished in 2015. With browsers no longer supporting flash animations, I used the html5 tracker and modified everything to work in an html5 version. Now the project wont load in html5 preview or on the LMS. The wheel just turns… Any Ideas?

2020-09-03 12:26:22
2020-09-03 12:26:22

I’m currently working on converting flash to HTML5 in CP9. Rather than updating the existing file, we created new HTML5 templates. We copy the slides from the old file into the new template. After making the necessary adjustments, the file is saved with the XML extension; then we use an online XML praser to see which slides need to be updated. Actions such as “hover over” will need a workaround because it won’t work in HTML5.

Alexa Franklin-Burrell
's comment
2020-09-04 14:19:48
2020-09-04 14:19:48
Alexa Franklin-Burrell
's comment

Not correct. Rollover caption and image will work in HTML5, but only on desktop/laptop. That is bug in the Tracker.


2020-03-11 08:44:31
2020-03-11 08:44:31

Forgot to tell:: the HTML Tracker is not ‘perfect’ neither.

2020-03-11 08:44:05
2020-03-11 08:44:05

Probably still some remainders not working in HTML5. Moreover, CP9 is pretty old, HTML5 output has improved a lot with CP10, CP11 and CP11.5.  Which browser do you use to test?

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