I use Captivate 2019 and upload my ppts into it. Normally when i rt-click on a slide and choose Edit with Microsoft Powerpoint, from slide or presentation, I have no issues. However, after making a few edits, it wont let me anymore.
Now, when i try, it gives me an error “unable to locate linked presentation”. It shows me the link it is looking for is a temp file that i cannot locate (it creates a new temp everytime i edit). It then asks me if i want to locate the file myself. I try to direct it to the original linked file but it gives me an “internal error” when i try.
Anyone else have this issue? Anyone know how to fix this?
Thank you,
There are two options when you originally created your Captivate file with a PowerPoint import. One option is to select Linked. Linked is useful if you want to keep your Captivate project file to a smaller size, but you will need to keep the PowerPoint file in its original location as that’s where Captivate will look for it when you wish to edit. Best practise is to place the two files in the same folder for easy updates and edits.
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