April 23, 2020
Using Adobe Captivate for an Online Escape Room
April 23, 2020
Using Adobe Captivate for an Online Escape Room
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 1 people

I’m new to Adobe Captivate.  Can Adobe Captivate be used to create an online and virtual escape experience?  If so, are there some resources within the site you would recommend?  Thanks.


2020-04-26 18:04:33
2020-04-26 18:04:33

I think you could utilize the 360-degree virtual reality features of Adobe Captivate to successfully build a really neat escape room scenario. You can import a 360-degree image and add a variety of hotspots that users would need to click on. Some could be clues to other puzzles and you can even include hotspots that would take you to other 360 degree environments to explore. While most people use images or icons to represent the hotspots you can use transparent images to make it even more challenging to find the clues. While not an escape room check out my video about this feature so you can see the potential. https://youtu.be/RBLs6jEmIGc

Paul Wilson
's comment
2020-04-27 17:27:32
2020-04-27 17:27:32
Paul Wilson
's comment

That’s a great suggestion.

2020-04-25 08:43:39
2020-04-25 08:43:39

Lori – do an Internet search on “Designing ‘Escape the Room’ Puzzle Games in E-Learning” – you could adapt it for Adobe Captivate..

2020-04-24 12:04:40
2020-04-24 12:04:40

Can it be done? Absolutely! With Captivate you are limited only by your imagination. Of course, how you go about designing the navigation and logic is up to you.

I shared a couple of puzzles that I developed to be a part of an escape room myself. Here are links. Perhaps they will inspire with some ideas.



Both of these feature a revelation of an item when you complete the puzzle, which tie into the larger puzzle in some way.

2020-04-24 08:43:27
2020-04-24 08:43:27

I am not a native English speaker, could you give more details of what you exactly want to achieve? Or show an example?

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