May 4, 2020
Shopping cart project
May 4, 2020
Shopping cart project
Pooja works as a Senior Director of Digital Learning at Icertis. She has created several award-winning eLearning courses and authored books and video courses on eLearning tools and technologies. In her previous roles, she worked as a principal eLearning evangelist at Adobe and chief learning geek at a start-up. Pooja is CPTD, and COTP certified. She holds a master’s degree in education & economics and a doctorate in educational technology.
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In this drag and drop interaction, when you pick and item from the shelf and drop it in the shopping cart, the price of the item is added to the total amount on the cash counter display.

What is that example intending to do? When should the user use such a theme?

In this example, you will see the use of drag and drop interaction with the ability to do mathematical operations. In this example, only addition has been used. For your projects, you can also try subtraction, multiplication, and division, using the same method.

Feb 22, 2021
Feb 22, 2021

is this math ability built into this drag and drop as a quick start, or is it an advanced action?  I am new, sorry.

Jul 5, 2020
Jul 5, 2020

Good work!

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