June 9, 2020
Hyperlinks within a click box
June 9, 2020
Hyperlinks within a click box
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people


I am very new to Captivate and trying to get an e-learning course pulled together for COVID-19. I have a click box that contains text that I want to hyperlink to a URL. However, it doe snot give me that option anywhere that I can find. Does anyone have a trick that I could steal? This course is very important for opening Early Childcare.

Thank you in advance!

Sandy Lang

2020-06-10 12:42:24
2020-06-10 12:42:24

And here an overview blog about the types of buttons. I almost never use click boxes anymore, because they have to be stacked over something visible, and stacking is not allowed in Fluid Boxes projects.


2020-06-10 12:40:19
2020-06-10 12:40:19

Here is a link to a blog post, explaining the functionality of hyperlinks:


2020-06-10 12:39:11
2020-06-10 12:39:11

Probably because of terminology I cannot understand your question.

By definition a click box is an interactive object (old type) which has no stroke, no fill, is invisible to the learner. There is no way to put anything IN a click box. You talk about text in a click box, which is impossible.

Maybe you talk about another type of interactive object: a button (there are 6 types)? Such a button can trigger an action On Success and at Last Attempt, same as a click box.  Since you talk about ‘text’ inside that item, it could be a label (for text or transparent buttons) or a text typed in a shape button. Whatever text it is is you cannot turn it into a hyperlink, because that is sort of a hybrid interactive object. I call it ‘hybrid’ because it can trigger also a number of commands – not only opening an URL – but is more limited. If you would have a hyperlink in another interactive object, how would Captivate find out what a click is meant to do: either trigger the action for the interactive object or the one for the hyperlink. You see that this would crate impossible situations.

If you explained exactly what you want to do? You use the command ‘Open URL’ from the interactive object. If you need to combine it with another command, you’ll need to put both in an advanced action. Or maybe a hyperlink without the interactive object would be sufficient.



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