Instructional Design Workshop: Design Thinking for Learning Design
Instructional Design Workshop: Design Thinking for Learning Design
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 12 people

The 21st-century workforce is unique; people have endless options for learning and they may be busier than ever. How can L&D innovate to meet the needs of the modern workforce? That’s where Design Thinking can help. It’s a creative approach to problem-solving that’s iterative, collaborative, experimental and fun. In this active session, we will explore how Design Thinking is a mindset as well as a method for generating innovative solutions to workplace and educational performance problems.

You will have an opportunity to participate in a Design Thinking cycle to see how this approach can stimulate ideas for creative, human-centered solutions that fit the modern workplace.

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Feb 13, 2021
Feb 13, 2021

Great delivery of knowledge. I learned a lot. Had a few technical issues watching the video. Wasn’t sure if it was on your end or mine. I used a PC, Mac and an iphone and faced some of the same issues.

Sep 10, 2020
Sep 10, 2020

I am unable to access the workshop.  I receive this message:
Welcome to Adobe E-learning Community
Please provide us with some details before we proceed further.

But nowhere to enter any details.

Aug 7, 2020
Aug 7, 2020

I seem to have a technical problem with the site:

when I click the round [Watch Now] button for any of the sessions, first I receive a “Welcome to Adobe eLearning Community web form to fill in.

And after that I receive what looks like a json response from a registration server, but it’s not redirecting me to any page, and I still can’t watch the video for any session.

I tried it from two different computers, and with two different Adobe accounts, and get the same result with both.

I have not found any support link here on the site so I hope somebody here in the comments can help.

Thanks! Franz


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