August 8, 2020
Importing GIFT files
August 8, 2020
Importing GIFT files
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people

1. I have created a General Import Format Technology (GIFT) file with 15 questions to import into Captivate project. When I import the file, ALL of the questions are imported into the FIRST question line with the answers to the first question showing. I used Sublime Text Editor and save the file with encoding as UTR- 8 format. Where did I go wrong?

2. Can I use GIFT to import Knowledge check questions, and if so what should I do differently?

2021-11-30 05:21:23
2021-11-30 05:21:23

Awesome, Paul! Thanks for the code!

2020-08-12 05:27:07
2020-08-12 05:27:07

I use GIFT all the time. Here is the formating that I follow for a couple of examples:


When did Justin Trudeau become Prime Minister of Canada?









Is Canada a Parliamentary Democracy?



The question title is optional but you need the curly parenthesis around your answers. The correct answer in a multiple-choice starts with an equal sign. Distractors use the tilde symbol to denote they are wrong answers. With true false make sure to simply place an uppercase T or F within the parenthesis. Here is a tutorial I did a few years ago that explains it better:

Please ignore the SWIFT Quiz Maker portion of the video. This was a paid promotion from that company that have since gone out of business.


Paul Wilson
's comment
2020-08-13 06:49:49
2020-08-13 06:49:49
Paul Wilson
's comment

Thank you. I like your formatting style, but I think I got the syntax right. I have attached a screen shot in response to the request form Lieve


's comment
2020-08-13 08:13:08
2020-08-13 08:13:08
's comment

Wrote a long answer, but there are problems at this moment with the portal, got an error when posting.

Please download one of my GIFT files (sorry, in Dutch) in the format which Captivate recommends.


Try importing this file. I recreated couple of your questions in this format, and also in your format and that worked fine.  If it is not working for you, I suspect something is wrong with the Theme you are using.

2020-08-10 18:42:02
2020-08-10 18:42:02

Answer to the second question is NO.

As for the first question, I suspect something is wrong with the GIFT file. I use it all the time to import questions without any problem. Can you check it? Or post a screenshot of a couple of questions from the GIFT.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2020-08-13 06:42:24
2020-08-13 06:42:24
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Thank you for your assistance. Attached is a screen shot of the GIFT file


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