October 24, 2020
Adding Your Own Fonts to Adobe Fonts
October 24, 2020
Adding Your Own Fonts to Adobe Fonts
I've been an eLearning designer and developer since 2005. In 2015 I started my own eLearning design company. I began creating Adobe Captivate video tutorials to help promote my business through my YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/captivateteacher. My intention with my YouTube videos was to attract attention from organizations looking for a skilled Captivate developer. This strategy proved successful as I've worked with clients worldwide, helping them build highly engaging eLearning solutions. In addition, my YouTube channel presented another benefit of attracting aspiring Captivate developers to seek me out as a teacher. I now offer online and onsite training on Adobe Captivate, teaching users the skills to build engaging and interactive learning.
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One of the coolest features in Adobe Creative Cloud is the ability to add your own open fonts or True Type Fonts to your Creative Cloud account. This works and I can access my fonts in a responsive design course but when I publish those fonts with my responsive design project they are not available to the end-users of my eLearning course like other Adobe Fonts would be. Is this something that can be done, or is there a relatively easy workaround for this to function as one would expect?

2021-11-30 03:54:51
2021-11-30 03:54:51

Unfortunately fonts are a little tricky – definitely take Lieve’s advice

2020-10-25 09:12:54
2020-10-25 09:12:54

Only Adobe fonts and websafe fonts will show up as expected for a responsive project on all systems. Same for dynamic text in non-responsive projects. Not possible for system fonts:



Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2020-10-25 11:01:46
2020-10-25 11:01:46
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

That’s too bad. I really hoped that being able to upload your own fonts to your creative cloud account could be shared down to Adobe Captivate but it looks like that isn’t the case. It’s funny how 17,000 fonts are sometimes just not enough.

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