October 29, 2020
convert captive 8 with flash to html5 capable
October 29, 2020
convert captive 8 with flash to html5 capable
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 1 people

we have a capitvate 8 project with lots of effects, fading, movement, etc., that will not work in html5.  how do we convert it without removing all the effects on the objects so it can run in our learning management system free of flash.

2021-11-30 03:50:49
2021-11-30 03:50:49

This isn’t as easy as you think but I think there are a few tips out there for you, Lieve posted one I believe

2020-11-03 03:57:55
2020-11-03 03:57:55

Use the HTML5 Tracker built into Adobe Captivate to identify what objects in your old eLearning course that are incompatible with publishing for HTML5. Inspect these elements and see if they can easily be replaced with something new. For example, many of my courses from the SWF days included animated arrows and such. These were all SWF objects that are easily replaced with the shape arrow and a little motion path.

Now if you find out that there are hundreds of objects and it will be too time-consuming to replace all these items one by one, take a look at this video tutorial to consider another way to convert an older course.


Paul Wilson
's comment
2020-11-03 08:08:20
2020-11-03 08:08:20
Paul Wilson
's comment

HTML5 tracker is not at all perfect. It will always mention all rollovers because they are not compatible output on mobile, but Rollover caption/text works perfectly for desktop/laptop HTML output. It misses some incompatibility as well. Be careful. Themes and quiz slides updated from older versions will often lead to issues when used in HTML output, simply because the update itself creates problems. That is the reason I first asked about the version which would be used for the conversion.


Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2020-11-03 13:39:52
2020-11-03 13:39:52
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

It’s true that the HTML5 tracker is less than ideal but it’s still a good place to start when identifying legacy content that should be updated. Rollover text captions that contain information that is crucial to the learner are definitely not a best practice in 2020. I would still avoid using them as they are not inclusive of mobile users. Mobile learners who can’t reveal this content may miss crucial information.

2020-11-02 09:31:38
2020-11-02 09:31:38

Seems simple question but this is not as simple to solve. You don’t mention which version you are using at this moment for the conversion? Still that old CP8 version?

Effects are compatible with HTML5 output, fade in/fade out transitions as well. However Rollover slidelets, Text animations are not compatible as well as some widgets. Rollover captions/images will be functional only on laptop/desktop, not on mobile devices.

An introduction to conversion can be found in this blog:


At the eLearning World Conference (see button ElWorld in this portal) Allen Partridge presented a webinar about the conversion.  Recording is still available.

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