October 8, 2020
Flash videos
October 8, 2020
Flash videos
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people

I’ve been given a captivate file that has an embedded Flash video.  I want to copy and convert the flash video to an MP4 file and reinsert it into the captivate project.  Then publish as an HTML5 file.

Can anyone advise me on the best way to accomplish this?  I’ve also been given the file in a zip format with the scorm files.

Thanks so much.

2021-11-30 04:16:19
2021-11-30 04:16:19

I really think you all should start making some of these as answers so Lieve get her points too!

2020-10-12 14:19:36
2020-10-12 14:19:36

Do you have the raw cptx-file? The zipped folder is an output file.

Adobe Media Encoder is packaged with Captivate. Use it to convert the flv to H264.

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