Captivate 2019
This seems so simple, but I can find any way to remove a theme from a project. I can change the theme–but I can’t remove or delete it from the project. Can anyone tell me how this is done?
3 years later…I need an answer to this too. It’s important because I’m creating a template for a team of folks who are very new to Captivate and I don’t want them to see irrelevant stuff that might confuse them. I’ve been Googling like crazy and I can’t find the answer either.
Recently I answered a similar question in the Adobe forums. Here is a link:
It may have been you as well, because I see ‘Rita’ in both nicknames.
My recommendation is:
- Set the default theme for your new users to Blank instead of the present one (Pearl).
- Do not create a ‘template’ (which is a cptl-file) because it presents a lot of issues since some version. However create the Theme and save the Theme as a cptm file.
- Offer this cptm file to your users, and teach them how to apply that theme to their projects. They will still have the Blank theme on board, but it has only the 5 mandatory quizzing master slides plus the Blank master slide. You may choose to give the similar master slides in the Theme a better name, different from those in the Blank Theme.
- Instruct them to apply your theme to the Project using the Theme Button, which is the same button they’ll need to browse to your ctm-file.
As explained in the other forum, I am sorry but there isn’t an easy way to delete a theme from a project. You explained also that you are not using the same version as the new users which makes it even more complicated. But the cptm file should be useful anyway.
You cannot, but is that important? If you do not use that theme, it has no consequences.
I have published lot of blogs about themes. This blog has a downloadable pdf with links:
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