Where is the best place to start in this platform to learn useful information to start my journey towards becoming an instructional designer? Any and all advice welcome!
For starters, you could go through the short Captivate tutorials on this site to get an overview of the features. You could also explore the recorded Getting Started webinars and register for the upcoming webinars on Captivate. The trick to learn Captivate quickly is to practice by building projects. You can always clear your doubts in the community if you get stuck somewhere. I also find Paul Wilson’s YouTube channel quite helpful. You could also download the source files of some free projects that you like, try to understand the workflows and ask questions in the comments section to interact with the designers.
You will get a multitude of suggestions and maybe become more confused. Too much depends on your present skills and your future goals.
Here is a blog explaining what I experienced as the big stumbling blocks. You will find tons of step-by-step tutorials but a good insight in these challenges will help you as well:
Not every training schedule is efficient for all trainees. That is the reason why I always create a custom, personalised schedule based on an interview for any training course. Finding your way as a newbie is very challenging. You can start by exploring the Quick Start projects which are packaged with Captivate 11.5 in the Assets panel. Personally I have never taken any training, did not buy any manual nor book, rarely watch videos (too limited) but I started in 2008 by trying to answer questions in the Adobe forums. This may seem very weird, but was for me the best learning workflow.
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