January 26, 2021
Hiding Content in a Drag and Drop – Looking for Assistance.
January 26, 2021
Hiding Content in a Drag and Drop – Looking for Assistance.
Wizard 33 posts
Followers: 10 people


I recently posted a project that I wanted to share and hoped to get some feedback on. While there were a few things that I wasn’t completely happy with, overall I thought it was a good start for my first project.

One thing I really want to update/fix is hiding the drag sources once they link to the drop targets.

Anyone have any thoughts on making that happen? I tried a few different things, watched some videos, tried what was suggested but didn’t really see what I was looking for. It may be out there, and I have to assume it is, but I have not found it.

Thanks in advance for your response. Appreciate the help.

2021-01-27 17:26:12
2021-01-27 17:26:12

Thanks to you both. I will try some things out and see what I can get to work best for how I would like it to work.

Appreciate the help as always.

PS. People learn from each other and I think supportive and useful sharing is important. But everyone needs to stick by their principles and I support that. If there are reasons you do things, they are your reasons for doing them. All good in my book.

's comment
2021-01-28 08:51:05
2021-01-28 08:51:05
's comment

You may also have a look at the InBuilt states of Drag&Drop objects. I wouldn’t use it for this particular use case but may be interesting in the future.

Result of my exploration of those states are in:

Built in States for Drag&Drop objects – eLearning (adobe.com)


Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2021-01-28 19:39:09
2021-01-28 19:39:09
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Thanks for the additional reference. Appreciate it.

2021-01-27 13:22:48
2021-01-27 13:22:48

If I were attempting this, I would select the target and then choose ‘Object Actions’ on the right side.

For each accepted object – set the action to hide.

Depending on the greater context – I might choose differently but personally, I use the object actions method for all drag/drop behaviors I want to implement.

Greg Stager
's comment
2021-01-27 14:36:34
2021-01-27 14:36:34
Greg Stager
's comment

That is a less easy workflow although I am a big fan of object actions. What are the possible issues in this use case:

  • If you hide an object, and you want to revisit a slide, you need a ‘reset’ action to show the object again.
  • If this is a D&D slide used as Knowledge Check slide with multiple attempts, you need to show those objects ‘manually’ for a next attempt.
  • You know probably my main reason Why make it complicated when you have a much easier workflow with built in functionality, provided 3 possibilities.  Neither of them suffers from the possible drawbacks I just mentioned.
2021-01-27 09:33:34
2021-01-27 09:33:34

Sorry, due to several reasons I will not post any comment on any project in the future, at least not publicly. Will not expand on that. It is saddening because I always believed that in a community offering tips to other members could help. As a former professor I am convinced that everyone learns more from committing faults and learning from those who offer ways to avoid them.

There are many ways to hide drag sources when they have been dropped. Here are some easy ways:

  • Select the drop target and go to the Snap part in the Format tab.
  • Set the default ‘Front’ setting to ‘Back’. The dropped drag source will go behind the target. To have it disappear you need a target which is bigger than the drag source (or you can combine with Size setting).
  • Second way: set the Alpha to 0% which will make the drop target have full transparency.
  • Third way: set the Size to a very small number (probably to be combined with the first solution)


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