multi-state slide not displaying correctly in HTML5 preview
Hello and thank you for your time.
I am experiencing some difficulty disiplaying an image slide downloaded from Captivate assets. It works well in Preview Project mode and does not list a problem in the HTML5 Tracker. It is a multi-state slide with advanced action to display a hidden group after 9 clicks of the navigation arrow.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Bit of guessing here: you want to use a Ready-to-go-slide of one of the Quick Start Projects which you find in the Assets panel. If you tell me exactly which slides from which project, I could offer some help, but at this moment without those details, I can only offer you a link to one of my blog posts, where I tried to explain exploring those interactions. It is not always easy to understand how they work, especially if you are pretty new to Captivate. This blog may be insufficient, hence my questions about more details.
I also need to know if it is a non-responsive or a responsive project because many QSPs come in both versions. If it is a non-responsive project, know that the only correct Preview using a temporary HTML output is F11, Preview HTML in browser. Since you tell that that one is not working, something is awry.
Promised link:
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