Remove unneeded or unnecessary advanced action scripts.
Hi, I’m currently using the updated and most recent Captivate version on a Windows 10 Pro system, and I’m finishing up an e-learning course. Over time, I have several advanced action scripts I created but no longer need in the course, Is there a way to find out which scripts are not being used and delete or remove them from the course. I know I can do this for objects like audio clips or images, but I do not see the capability to identify advanced actions. I also know if the action is not being used, it does not affect the course. However, this is a base course/template we will be using for future courses, so I want it to be as clean, tight, and free of any unnecessary scripts, objects, and such as possible for future use. Does anyone know if this possible to do in the current version and how to do this? I really appreciate any help you can provide.
That is cumbersome but possible. It is also one of the reasons I largely prefer Shared actions over Advanced actions because Shared actions reside in the Library and their Usage is very easy to check. Deleting is a breeze like for any object in the Library and you can even reuse its name once it is deleted, which is impossible for Advanced actions.
To answer your question: open the Advanced Actions dialog box. Select an action, use the Usage button to see if it is used. If not, you can delete it. However there is no possibility to have an overview of all unused Advanced actions, and the name of the action can never be reused for a new action.
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