March 13, 2021
What’s for Dinner?
March 13, 2021
What’s for Dinner?
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 1 people

Problem solving is a critical soft skill that a person should harness to climb up the ladder of success, despite the industry that person is in. Mastering this skill requires practice as well as knowledge about the best possible ways to approach a problem and solve it accordingly. There are several approaches to learn this skill and one such approach is being the subject to this learning content, “What’s For Dinner”.

We’re breaking down the deep theory, “The Problem-Solving Method” into segments while engaging the viewer in learning the theory, practicing the theory using an activity and assessing the viewer by his/her answers within a very short duration of time.

This learning module is the result of one of our experiments to combine two delivery methods of e-Learning, presenter-based explainer video content and interactive learning content, in order to make a unique a submission to Adobe eLearning Design Awards powered by eLearning Industry. Because as a team of young and passionate individuals about the eLearning industry, we believe in experimenting every possible path to find more solutions of eLearning to cater to the existing learning need.

May 16, 2022
May 16, 2022

Um…if Jack dosen’t eat pork and beef how is a pepperoni pizza the correct solution?

May 10, 2022
May 10, 2022


May 10, 2022
May 10, 2022


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