March 13, 2021
Which DISC are you?
March 13, 2021
Which DISC are you?
Consultant at OneGML - Digital Learning Solutions
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 3 people

How to take a simulation test ?

– This simulation contains 24 groups of four statements.
– For each statement, determine whether the statement consider most like you (M) or less like you (L).
– There are no right or wrong answers in this test. So, just make the best decision you can.

At the end of the test, you will get a score which is representing to your character profile, whether you are Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, or Compliance. Each character has a unique profile, behavior, communication style, and the way of leading style.

So, let’s find out! Have a great time.

which character are you?

Oct 7, 2022
Oct 7, 2022

So, the instructions said that each question would have four phrases – choose the one that is most like you (M) and the one that is Least like you (L). When I only marked two of the phrases that showed for question 1, nothing happened. I didn’t get the submit button until I marked either “M” or “L” for each of the four sets of words/descriptors/phrases that displayed for each question. Did I do something wrong? I liked it…I was just confused.

Apr 15, 2022
Apr 15, 2022

I also got 0 for compliance haha!

Apr 15, 2022
Apr 15, 2022

Thanks for this, I found it really clear and easy to use

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