April 13, 2021
Scope of projects
April 13, 2021
Scope of projects
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 1 people

Hello Everyone,

I am in the process of searching for ID jobs, and meanwhile I am working on my portfolio. My question from the expert is about the scope of projects to put on my portfolio, especially for mobile learning, do I really need to be able to create educational games and simulation in addition to creating modules with captivate?

Nov 28, 2021
Nov 28, 2021

interested to hear what others have to say here

Sep 8, 2021
Sep 8, 2021

No,although you want a good portfolio, I recommend to include some fun game, however as you just staring, it doesnt matter if you just have a basic presentaction, try it out! contact me if you need help.

Apr 16, 2021
Apr 16, 2021

It’ll depend a lot on what kind of work that you’re looking for. If you want to use Captivate to create mobile-friendly educational games, then yes, I’d build a small one and put it in your portfolio.

One of the most useful things someone pointed out to me is that the average employer doesn’t want to watch the multiple hours of content you’ve created. They want something like a sizzle reel for an actor. Take all your coolest snippets from the projects you’re doing, write about the project and your goal, and share the highlight you’re the most proud of that you’d want to be judged on.

Good luck!

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