Looking for topic ideas to create content in Captivate (and other tools) to update a portfolio.
I am building up my instructional design portfolio with new content and would appreciate some topic ideas for modules or other artifacts I could create. In the past I have included examples in the areas of compliance training, faculty development, case studies, etc., but I’m definitely open to additional areas.
I want to have a few that I can show functionality of Captivate and other tools, but also want to include some that are purposeful and/or fun. Instructional designer and educator colleagues will know what blanks I’m not filling in here that are also important (i.e. clear purpose, accessible and inclusive content, grammar, graphic design), but overall I’m looking for variety. Thank you 🙏🏼
Think futuristically and in the industries you want to work in – energy, medical, finance, and build portfolio templates that you can easily change out and update based on who you are applying to/submitting samples to. This will serve as accent information to the more central content that paul shared above.
Two things I rarely do, lol. But I get your point about finding ideas, thank you. That list includes topics that could be applicable to many organizations. I think I will try a couple out. I am also considering doing a non-work topic (not inappropriate by ANY means) based on a hobby or something I know a lot about. I appreciate your reply and time!
Watch the news or read a newspaper and think about what organizations need right now based on what’s happening in the world. Here are some examples just off the top of my head.
- A micro lesson for employees on how to stay safe during a pandemic (wash hands, wear mask, etc.)
- Respect in the workplace
- Understanding unconscious bias
- Emergency evacuation training
I think it’s important to know what kind of a job you’re looking for before you start your portfolio. Once you decide if you’d like to work in Corporate or Education it will be easier to come up with projects that fit the job you want.
Devlin Peck has some great examples and workshops if you’re looking for specifics. He was a huge help for me when creating my portfolio. I looked at a lot of different portfolios for ideas on what to do for my own.
Find topics that you enjoy and work from there. Good luck!
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