June 3, 2021
Word Scrambler – JavaScript Idea Series
June 3, 2021
Word Scrambler – JavaScript Idea Series
I am currently a provider of technical training and support in the electronic manufacturing industry. My prior training and work experience as a teacher, network administrator, web design, and instructional design make me well prepared to design it, develop it, and deliver it. I am a father of five, a US Army veteran, and I enjoy playing the guitar as well as performing in local community theater. 
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This idea is about taking a word that you enter and scrambling it. Perhaps you could take this idea and turn it into a game or some sort of spelling lesson. This code, I think, goes a little bit past the beginner stage. It involves manipulation of arrays and a for loop but the total amount of code is still rather minimal. Study it – learn something – and then share some ideas you have for this concept – I would love to hear them.

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<—— JavaScript Idea Series

2022-01-05 01:38:41
2022-01-05 01:38:41

I was thinking of an interaction where a list of words are scrambled by this code as soon as you enter the slide. Then learner would need to unscramble each word? (Like the exercises you see in grade schools, but it might also be a good way to reinforce the terminology required for certain technical tasks.)

Kim Price
's comment
2022-01-05 13:01:57
2022-01-05 13:01:57
Kim Price
's comment

That sounds like a fun idea, Kim!

You might even have a much larger list – let’s say of 50 words – but randomly present 10 to the learner each time they play so that they can play several times and things would still be fresh.

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