July 1, 2021
Play Chess with Captivate !…
July 1, 2021
Play Chess with Captivate !…
I'm a former teacher (and headmaster) in french primary schools. Now I work as a freelance on the net as a webmaster. I used to work with Flash for many years, but now I'm starting to discover Captivate and find it amazing !...
Master 64 posts
Followers: 22 people

Hello Captivaters !…

A few months ago, a friend and I had the idea to play chess… But we didn’t have any board on hand…

Always inspired by Greg’s Game and Idea series, I thought it would have been easy to “build” and “animate” a chess-board with our friend Captivate !…

Preview Project

It’s the first time I try to make a “special” Captivate English version for this eLearning site !… Therefore, please be indulgent in your eventual comments.


Greg’s Resources :


Even if I’m a little confused… I tried to apply Greg’s code about “the Timer” to use it as the chess-countdown and it was all but easy…
Finally, I used Captivate (delay/decrement action) to achieve the clocks easily !…

Happy Captivating !… And play Chess !…


Jul 2, 2021
Jul 2, 2021

I have finished the chess clock and posted it. Hopefully it shall appear quickly. I think you will like it.

Pic attached.


Jul 2, 2021
Jul 2, 2021

Nice job!

My timer was a very simple one – no interactions. In your case – you also need a way to stop and restart each player’s clock so that adds a bit more complexity. Perhaps I may make a chess clock of sorts as a project and build in some of that extra functionality.

I can appreciate the amount of work that goes into something like this with so many objects to manage. Kudos!


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