September 1, 2021
Screencast & Application Simulation Workshop _ Anastasia McCune
September 1, 2021
Screencast & Application Simulation Workshop _ Anastasia McCune
Leap ahead with a smart authoring platform that does the heavy lifting of creating responsive eLearning content. Reduce authoring time with intelligent Fluid Boxes that use white space optimally to align objects automatically and help you deliver stunning mobile learning experiences on every device.
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Bio: Anastasia McCune is a long-time Adobe Captivate user and currently works as a contract instructional designer and developer for clients big and small. She has authored numerous courses for LinkedIn Learning about Captivate, other Adobe software, and instructional design topics, and taught for a decade as a certified Adobe Captivate Instructor.

Screencast and Application Simulation Workshop

When creating training that shows how to do something in a software or an application, screenshots are useful, but video and simulations are more engaging and contextual!  You need an easy way to capture the procedure, step by step.

  • Screencasts are where you record something happening on your screen, and the output is an .mp4 video.
  • Application Simulations can be more detailed, where the user can see and practice the steps by doing things like clicking and typing.

With Adobe Captivate, you can do both!

In this workshop, you will:

  • See how to record and edit screencasts in video format that include your screen, your webcam, or both
  • See how to easily record application simulations
  • Discover the different types of application simulation modes and when to use them
  • Uncover best practices, tips and tricks to speed up and simplify your editing process
  • Export your work for use on the web or a learning management system

Join us to learn how to easily record your own awesome screencasts and application simulations!

This is a simple project demonstrating the use of user variables and advanced actions. The user’s name is collected and stored in a variable. Two additional variables keep track of user choices – what season they pick, and whether they choose thumbs up or thumbs down. On the results slide, one big advanced action on the onEnter is utilized to control one multi-state object that has 8 possible displays.  Based on the season and thumbs up/down chosen, you will see the appropriate image and quote combination. A short encouraging personalized message using the person’s name is also appears on each display.

Download workshop handouts

1 Comment
Jan 30, 2022
Jan 30, 2022

I really liked the project. Thanks for sharing.

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