December 29, 2021
Importing PPT slides
December 29, 2021
Importing PPT slides
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

I’m trying to import PPT slides, which have a white background. The first slide imports fine…the 2nd one imports with a black background. Any ideas on a work-around or what I’m doing wrong?

2023-03-22 14:19:34
2023-03-22 14:19:34

I can suggest you to use presentationgo free templates available in ppt format and also available for google slides. Much easier to use and without import problems.

2022-01-27 05:14:37
2022-01-27 05:14:37

Captivate isn’t really that compatible with PowerPoint import. What happen is that they are imported as Flash flv file, which perfectly replicates how your PowerPoint works, until you publish it as HTML5, at which point, things kind of messed up. I’m not sure if you can still publish as Flash, considering that almost all browsers no longer support it, but it will probably work if you publish as video, which means no interaction.

's comment
2022-01-27 10:04:50
2022-01-27 10:04:50
's comment

The FLV is converted to MP4 on HTML output. That can indeed cause issues, same as for the FMR slides in software simulations.

Sure, you can still export to SWF but since Flash player is banned from all recent versions of all browsers, this means that your learners need to use an older browser and care the risks which are pointing to Flash player.

If you have issues publishing to HTML I really doubt that publishing to a video will be a solution, since the conversion of the FLV to MP4 is the same.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2022-02-05 05:35:21
2022-02-05 05:35:21
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

The FLV to MP4 conversion does not seem to cause any issue on my end, but it’s probably because they have no interactive elements and not from imported PPT. Just like you, I never import PPT to Captivate. Asynchronous elearning and online lecture are just two different species IMHO.

2022-01-06 11:43:14
2022-01-06 11:43:14

Personally I never use PPT import at all.

Just want to ask you to check the Blank master slide in the theme you are using currently. PPT slides do use that master slide. If you deleted that slide and/or edited its background it could lead to an issue like you mention.

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