January 27, 2022
Change a project made with flashplayer in HTML5
January 27, 2022
Change a project made with flashplayer in HTML5


I need to work on a project which has been made with flashplayer in 2018. I have the cptx file,, I can work on it, but when I save it on my computer as a zip and with HTML5 format and when I integrate it on Moodle LMS, there’s a message saying “adobe dosen’t authorize the access to that file” and the explanation is that the file uses flashplayer.

Here is a screen cast of the pop up when I save the project :

Could you please tell me if there is any way to save this project with HTML5? What am I supposed to do?

Thanks a lot!


1 Comment
2022-01-31 11:40:59
2022-01-31 11:40:59

Christine,  you didn’t add the attachment as promised. Use the Add Media button.

A Captivate project published to SWF needed the use of the Flash player plugin of the browser and is now obsolete except when using old browser versions.

To republish an older project to HTML5 needs first to check on all the items which are incompatible with HTML output. For that case you can use the HTML tracker.  Did you do that? Have a look at this post:





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