February 28, 2022
Double click issues with branching function
February 28, 2022
Double click issues with branching function
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

I have a two module branching function in my course.  When the learner has completed all modules, they return to the menu where access to the final assessment is made available.  For some reason on the last next button of each module, the learner has to double click to return to the menu instead a just single clicking.  Any idea why?

2022-03-01 16:52:52
2022-03-01 16:52:52

Sorry, I forgot to send the updated image.


2022-03-01 16:51:42
2022-03-01 16:51:42


I would start with checking the button’s action properties following these steps as shown in the attachment.

  1. Select the button.
  2. Open the Properties Pane
  3. Click on the actions tab/button for your button or click box
  4. Scroll down and check to see if the Double Click checkbox is marked.

IF so, uncheck it. And that should fix it for you.


2022-03-01 08:57:33
2022-03-01 08:57:33

Without having access to more details this is impossible to answer. How did you set up the branching, which advanced or shared actions do you use on which events? Why would you have a Next button on the last slide of a branch instead of a Return to menu button? How do you use pauses in the timeline, which variables are used?

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