What practices do you recommend for projects on multiple devices?
Which mode do you use the most? Publish the project as scalable or build the project responsive?
I notice that Captivate’s responsiveness makes the interactions more “heavy” and the visual more “closed”.
What practices do you recommend for projects on multiple devices?
I always have a detailed conversation with my clients to understand their needs in this area. I had a stakeholder ask about responsive design a few years ago and I asked about their LMS and who had access to it from a device other than a networked PC. Turns out only 8 people of 1,000 could use their mobile devices to complete online learning. I explained that designing with responsive design would likely increase the cost and the time to develop the training. That was all the stakeholder needed to hear. I designed the project to fit on a tablet or larger and everyone was happy.
English is my third language, not at all my native language (Dutch).
Terminology is always a problem in Captivate. I try to stick to the official terms as much as possible. When you use the word ‘template’ you are not pointing to a Captivate template (cptl-file) because that is not to be recommended, too buggy. Maybe you mean the Themes in Captivate? Themes include the object styles and the master slides. There is not so much difference whether you develop a theme for a responsive or a non-responsive project. Here are some of the limitations in a Fluid Boxes responsive project (not valid for a Breakpoint views responsive project):
- You cannot use the main master slide to have objects on all slides, but you can use the daughter master slides.
- You cannot time objects for the rest of the project.
- You cannot stack objects in the same location if they are in a fluid boxes. That leads to exclusion of click boxes over images, buttons on top of other objects etc..
- You cannot use slide video unless you replace a fluid boxes slide with a slide setup with the Position Properties. I have described that workaround in a blog post.
Personally I prefer scalable HTML for projects, with the exception of courses where lot of learners would use phones. In that case I would prefer using a responsive project, either Fluid Boxes or (for more control) Breakpoint views. I wonder what you mean exactly by “makes the interactions more “heavy” and the visual more “closed”.”? Mobile devices tend to have lower specifications than laptop/desktop, and are also often used on lower bandwidth (4G). Would that not be the first culprit?
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