July 25, 2022
Text to Speech Pronunciation for records
July 25, 2022
Text to Speech Pronunciation for records
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 1 people

I am using the Text To Speech in Captivate 2019. I am trying to get the speech to say “Requesting Aircraft Records and IR authorization codes.  Instead of “rec-ord” it says re-cord. I used Vtml using the NeoSpeech User Guide. When I write ”

Requesting aircraft<vtml_partofsp part=”noun”>records</vtml_partofsp> and IR authorization codes. It still says re-cords. However, if I put the following straight from the NeoSpeech User Guide.

It pronounces it correctly. Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong?

Requesting aircraft<vtml_partofsp part=”noun”>record</vtml_partofsp> and IR authorization codes.

The only difference is the first one is plural (records) and the second is singular (record). Can’t seem to get the voice to say rec-ords instead it says re-cords as a verb even though I have vtml of a noun.  Any suggestions? 


Rich Lesh

1 Comment
2022-08-19 16:15:22
2022-08-19 16:15:22

Hi There

The pronunciation is correct in terms of computing voices. Please try the following example to understand the difference and usage.

  1. Sample Text: Did you record that training record?
  2. Your text:Requesting aircraft<vtml_partofsp part=”noun”>records</vtml_partofsp> and IR authorization codes.

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