November 29, 2022
Cp 2019 Update 2 will not create a blank project
November 29, 2022
Cp 2019 Update 2 will not create a blank project

Before you refer me back to this discussion:

Captivate 9 Can’t create a NEW Blank project or Re… – Adobe Support Community – 8975214

know that I do run the program as an administrator, everything was cleared from the cache and the clear preferences was run from the util folder. I also had a full reinstall done with this update, due to a security setting on the enterprise network being fussy about the way Captivate runs its updates (it lets all my Creative Cloud apps automatically update without issues). Everything works fine, but when I attempt to create a blank project, the loader bar flashes up on screen and then everything just resets to the menu to select what type of project you want to build. I can open any existing project and resave it as a new one, but I cannot start from scratch.

Dont start with me on responsive projects being the way to go – you know that, I know that, but my enterprise is a bit wary of anything that delivers information effectively in multiple formats….

Dec 8, 2022
Dec 8, 2022

Are you on version 11.8? Just to confirm my suspicion, because more users have reported this issue. On Win11 or on Mac?

Did you already try the usual Troubleshooting workflows, like clearing cache and cleaning Preferences? More in this blog post about that topic:


Nov 30, 2022
Nov 30, 2022

Sure you are talking about update 2 which is very old now? Please check the full version number under Help, About Captivate. My intuition tells me that you are probably talking about version 11.8 because your issue seems to appear a lot for that version.

I will certainly not ask about responsive projects with Fluid Boxes because in the majority of cases that is even a bridge too far, and a scalable non-responsive project will do the trick and has a lot less limitations.

Can you try to create a Blank project from the File, New Project, Blank Project option? Several menus are available on the Welcome screen. I often use that to change Preferences and/or Object styles for future projects. Or use the shortcut key CTRL-N (please translate to CMND if you are on Mac).

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