Using data stored in LMS to Captivate variables for customization
In the hopes of personalizing the courses I create more, I’m wondering if there’s a good/easy way to pass information from my LMS back into Captivate. For example, can I pull the user’s name from their LMS log in? The LMS that I’m watching the demo of now says I can have survey questions to personalize the experience. Could I have the learner establish what they want their avatar to look like, pull how may direct reports they have, or their department in as variables that I can use in Captivate to personalize that experience?
Helle, I have exactly the same problem with my site
The one risk of pulling data from the LMS is that it may not be in a very usable format when you go to use it.
e.g., Hello, Wood, Emily! Welcome to the eLearning course!
I prefer to have a welcome slide at the beginning of the course and ask them for their name upfront. Then you can use it to personalize the course from that slide forward. You can even ask them if they are male or female and have them select an avatar to add fun and personality to the course.
If the user’s name is in the LMS account, it is possible that the name is already in the user variable ‘cpInfoStudentName’ which is created automatically with each new project. For other content like the department you’ll need a programmer if it is possible.
As for choosing an avatar, did you ever look at my blog post:
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