Hey all! Need help creating a user guide module for a specific tool. Apart from screen recording, is there any other better way of doing it? Please share your viewpoints.
Hello! If you’re looking for an alternative to screen recording, you might consider creating a flowchart or infographic that outlines the key steps in using the tool. This can be a helpful visual aid that breaks down complex processes into smaller, more manageable steps
Hi all! One approach I’ve used in the past is creating step-by-step written instructions with accompanying screenshots. This can be a more concise way of providing instructions, and it allows users to easily refer back to specific steps if needed. Plus, it’s easier to update than a video or interactive simulation.
Hey! I’ve found that using annotated screenshots can be a great way to create user guides. You can capture the key steps in using the tool and add text callouts to explain each step. This approach is often quicker than screen recording and easier for users to follow.
For my students I created a lot of software simulations in Training and in Assessment mode. I don’t know exactly if by screen recording you are pointing at passive video output, which can only be part of the asseets for a full user guide. I also use interactive video, using overlay slide both as content (for deeper explanation) and as Knowledge Check slides, based on the viewed video.
For a real assessment, have a look at this example for Captivate which I posted a while ago:
Simulation assessment to test Captivate skills – eLearning (adobe.com)
From my students (university college) and adults (coached a lot for professionals) I always use a combination of multiple assets. It is too bad that InDesign no longer supports integration of interactive simulations since the death of SWF player. If you don’t like to write out text, use a podcast.
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