July 11, 2023
audio for widgets
July 11, 2023
audio for widgets

Is there any way to attach audio to the widget screens in the new Captivate?

1 Comment
2023-07-14 09:23:59
2023-07-14 09:23:59

Terminology is often a problem, especially when terms are different between versions. Can you please give some more details:

  • What do you mean by ‘widget screens’?  The widgets come in many tastes: Tabs, Drag&Drop, Timeline. Maybe not all widgets support audio.
  • What do you expect to happen with the audio: playing when the graphical part is visible on the Timeline? For Tabs that could be when that tab becomes visible, for Timeline when one of the interactive icons are clicked? You can for sure add an interaction to any interactive object and Play Audio using that interaction. Maybe for the Certificate you’d need to insert a bookmark at the frame where you want to play the audio and use the Bookmark event.
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