July 21, 2023
Using Asset Images
July 21, 2023
Using Asset Images
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I have tried and chosen several different asset images to replace the default image and none of them will show up.  The wheel just turns like something is going to happen, and then nothing happens. I can upload an image, but I also can’t size it down the way I need to.  I need to be able to utilize our logo on my projects and can’t seem to get the logo to fit correctly.  Also if I try to insert a slide template from assets – it never inserts….I’ve watched the videos and I’m doing what they say to do, has anyone else had these issues?

2023-07-25 13:51:00
2023-07-25 13:51:00

Just know that on one license you will be able to use both Classic Captivate and this new version which at this moment only can create responsive projects.

As I wrote before, Classic Captivate has a lot more features and flexibility at this moment. You need definitely to check it out as well. It uses master slides which are a great way to have a logo on each slide if necessary, and it allows to create both responsive and non-responsive projects. Moreover you have full control over location and size of each inserted object, not limited by the default layouts. The responsive projects are using Fluid Boxes, which are also coming with control limitations but less than in version 12.

2023-07-25 09:29:13
2023-07-25 09:29:13

Since we now have two parallel versions of Captivate, it helps to give you an answer if you mention the version you are using: version 12 or Captivate Classic. Both have assets library, both have quick start projects and slides you can using in your projects.

Due to the problem with the logo you are mentioning, I suspect you are on version 12? Which media block did you use to insert the logo (BTW much easier in Captivate Classic)? Can you check if AutoFill is on?


Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2023-07-25 13:44:07
2023-07-25 13:44:07
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

My apologies.  Yes, I’m using the new one.  And I’m doing a free trial trying to decide if this is what we want in our organization.  So I’m guessing that means version 12, the new, upgraded, version.  I don’t know where to see if autofill is on.  But I’d really like to be able to utilize our logo and use other pictures.  Importing from my computer works, but not the assets library.  Also, not able to get things size down.  I also don’t know how to get to Captivate Classic, is that a new download?  I have to get permission in our organization, and we’ve only downloaded the new Captivate.

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