November 20, 2023
New Adobe Captivate
November 20, 2023
New Adobe Captivate

Can you no longer convert a Power Point into Adobe Captivate to create content material? This was a feature in the 2019 (classic) version but I can’t seem to find instructions on this in the new 2023 version.

Any information would be appreciated.

Thank you.

2023-11-21 13:15:41
2023-11-21 13:15:41

One of the many features which are still not available in the New version 12. One of the main reasons is that the new version can only create responsive projects, and PPT is by definition not responsive. The new version only allows to use slide templates and blocks which have been styled to have a layout in all possible browser resolutions, both in portrait and landscape. In previous versions PPT import just imported the PPT-slide as sort of background which is by definition static and cannot be rearranged in other resolutions.

2023-11-21 12:18:54
2023-11-21 12:18:54

This feature is still not included in the new Captivate (version 12.x). I fear you still have to do that with Captivate Classic (version 11.8.2). Your Captivate subscription license entitles you to install and use both versions.

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