January 19, 2024
Trigger Issue
January 19, 2024
Trigger Issue

Hi there! I am using Adobe Captivate. I want learners to complete an interaction before moving on. I set triggers so they move on after selecting nextif icon 1 selected/ visited, etc. For some reason its not working. Where am I going wrong? How should I set triggers to prohibit users from moving forward before completion?

2024-02-09 08:23:32
2024-02-09 08:23:32

Hey! Even I have faced similar issue. Please can you share a screen shot of the triggers applied? 

2024-02-09 08:12:48
2024-02-09 08:12:48

Hi! I think the sequence of variables and triggers have to be in correct order. Please check the way these triggers are listed. 

2024-02-09 08:12:36
2024-02-09 08:12:36

Hi! Usually this is done by hiding the next button until all are clicked. 

2024-02-09 08:12:20
2024-02-09 08:12:20

Hello! Is it possible for you to share the screen shot for the same? 

2024-01-19 14:29:52
2024-01-19 14:29:52

First of all I need to know which version you are using? Workflow is very different in 12 compared with older versions.

Without more details it is rather complicated to detectt where your errors are. I have multiple blogs about forcing a view, mostly using a shared action in all versions except 12.

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