Question about not appeoving a blog without warning
This is my first question ever in this communnnity, although I have answered tons of them.
With the new verzion released, I thought it would be helpful to explore differences between features and workflows between the former versions and version 12. To be fair I started with a feature which is extended in the new version: bookmarks. I have dedicated lot of hours and time to that exploration and will poqt several blogs. Normally I post both on my personal blog and in this vommunity.
On12th of December I fhinished an introductory post, including a published Captivate tutorial as illustration. So far, that blog has not been approved. I just want to know the reason. WHY do you not want to help exisiting Captivate users who want to test the transition to verion 12? From questions on the official Adobe Captivate forums I know that new users have also questions about the use of bookmarks.
At least I expect an explanation. I don’t dare to post a link to the article on my personal blog, because I even fear that this question would be banned.
I am daily here on the community, as you may have seen. When a blog gets out of its ‘pending’ state, it is normally published and other people can see it. But moderation is very inconsistent, I have sometimes waited weeks before a blog has been approved. Very frustrating and reason why many experts left the community. Moreover, sometimes a question is approved as blog, whereas it is a question. I never bother about the points, it is an insane and crazy scoring system.
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