How do i import an existing project from Classic into the new Adobe Captivate 2023?
I sincerely regret the confusion in communication. There is no way to update an existing project (Captivate Classic) to the All New version for multiple reasons. There is a difference in UI, terminology, workflows and moreover the new version can only create responsive projects which use a completely different approach than the previous workflows with Fluid Boxes and Breakpoint views.
Do not expect to have that update possibility in the future, at least that is my strong belief. Maybe the New version will get more features to be a replacement of the present features in Captivate Classic in the (not near) future but updating will be excluded. I have asked that question multiple times, and my suspicion was always confirmed hesitantly. If at least they included the features which could make the re-creation from scratch easier, to start with adding Project libraries and external libraries, a way to reuse assets, Preferences, conversion of existing themes, advanced and shared action to the present step-by-step interactions… and I can continue this list. The new version is so different from all previous versions that you have to UNLEARN all you know about Captivate. In my long career where I used all kind of IT applications, I never encountered this type of situation and have difficulties to cope with it. It is a New application, but leaving existing long-time users in the cold is not very customer-friendly. Just my opinion. It would have been wise to have this New version along the Captivate we know (without crippling it) just like what happened in the concurrent tools.
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