February 14, 2025
Fast Clicking on Simulation Click Boxes Skips Slides When Viewing – (Captivate 12.5)
February 14, 2025
Fast Clicking on Simulation Click Boxes Skips Slides When Viewing – (Captivate 12.5)

In a simulation, if I click on a Clickbox that is set to ‘Go to the next slide’, the next slide that loads will skip to the next slide if I keep clicking repeatedly.

Each slide that I am able to skip has the ‘Go to the next slide’ function either in a Clickbox or a Button, but no other Interactions. (When I say “Skip” I mean, rapidly clicking is somehow activating and forcing the simulation slides to ‘Go to the next slide’ before it has a chance to load completely. If the slide is given time to load completely, clicking anywhere on the slide doesn’t allow the “Skip”. Everything works normal and the user has to click on the object that is set to ‘Go to the next slide’.)

Multiple slides in a row can be skipped if they have the same setup if I continue to keep fast clicking. However, once it reaches a slide that is not a simulation slide, it stops allowing the skip.

An unwanted solution I have to avoid the skipping of simulation slides on rapid clicking, is to add a button that is hidden on slide entry, then revealed when the click box is clicked. The button is set to ‘Go to the next slide’ and of course that works.

The hidden/reveal button setup stops the “skip” process because the slide cannot ‘Go to the next slide’ since it requires the button to be revealed first. Unfortunately, this creates a redundancy of having to click on a Clickbox to reveal a button that needs to be clicked to move to the next slide.

I’m curious to know if anyone else has experienced this, and if there is a way to prevent someone from triggering the ‘Go to the next slide’ by rapidly clicking.

I’m sure there is an easier way to explain this, but this is the best way I can for now, I apologize ahead of time if this seems confusing. Hopefully it makes sense.

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1 week ago
1 week ago


I have sent an email to you asking for some details related to the issue. Please reply to that email so that I can assist you accordingly.

Here to help,

Adobe Captivate Support

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