Themes Q&A

Supplementary to the Help about topics like Theme Colors and Master slides. Help is not very accurate and lacks lot of information.

Hiding Custom Navigation buttons – Advanced or Shared Action

Comparing an advanced action with its limitations with a shared action where one variable has to be changed and can be used in any course, without needing any change.

User Variables – introduction

Meant as introduction to User variables: defining a user variable, how can it be used, how to remove/edit/check usage.

User Variables – Dynamic buttons

Workflow for creation of a button, where the label is a variable or has embedded variables which results in having the label created on runtime.

Question pools: what is possible/impossible?

Which workflows are possible, impossible for random questions linked to question poo. Lot of workarounds

Interactive Video: Play/Pause button

Creating a custom Play/pause button step by step, using a multistate shape button, placed on a master slide or timed for the rest of the project.

Tips for Interactive Video

Tips and enhancements for interactive video, including an example video

Custom Play/Pause button (Use case system variables)

Step by step tutorial to create a custom toggle button for Play/Pause, using multistate shape button, conditional action based on the system variable cpCmndPause.

Understanding/Using System Variables – part 2

This post explains the power and use of the variables in the category Movie Control’. Terminology which is crucial is explained as well as some easy use cases.

Understanding/Using System Variables – part 1

Introduction to system variables, focus on the categories of system variables which are read only. Post includes a downloadable table with definitions and references to articles with use cases. Later articles will focus on the category Movie Control, on user variables, and on their meaning in simple, advanced and shared actions.

States and State Commands

Workaround when you need to change state of a multistate object based on a number of clicks on other slides. Explains shortly difference between Custom and InBuilt states, use of the available State commands in advanced/shared actions. A global progress indicator is built with a multistate object?

Hotspots for a 2D Image – workflow 2 (close button/lightbox)

Second workflow gives control to the learner: a close button for the popups which appear in a lightbox. Again, a multistate object is used to create all the popups. A sample project file can be downloaded.